The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Yay Eli, you're a tree sloth." - Julie Burton, "It's Your Move"

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

The Late 2000’s

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

20001.jpg This is now my eighth category of half-decades (I checked and pentade does not appear to be a word), and this is a precarious introduction to write. That is mostly because I am currently living right in the midst of it. Originally my vision of this site was to simply chronicle time periods of the past, while merely interjecting current events…but guess what? Enough time began to pass that even some of these current events started to have a nostalgic feel themselves. So the first step was to link all of the postings together in chronological order and create the 2000’s – Late category. But still the postings of this time period (which greatly out-number all of the others) seem orphaned without an introduction. Read the rest of this entry »

…And This Is My Other Brother Daryl

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

daryl2.jpgI seemed to build my collection of John Voldstad autographs in small steps. John Voldstad portrayed the second silent Daryl in one of my all-time favorite television series Newhart. When he first made his appearance at a Hollywood Collectors Show, all he had for sale were some small 4″ x 5″ portraits. So that was what I was stuck with adding to my collection. But for $5.00, it wasn’t a bad deal. Later on, he returned along with his Larry, Daryl, and Daryl cohort William Sanderson and Tony Papenfuss and I was able to get the complete signed cast shot as shown here. Read the rest of this entry »

Virginia Monday: Richmond Mostly

Monday, September 24th, 2007

mon22.jpgAfter our incredibly busy Sunday activities, it was amazing that we were able to peel ourselves out of bed to catch an early breakfast in our digs, the Richard Johnston Inn, before heading toward Richmond, Virginia’s capital city. But we did…and were consequently able to enjoy a nice cherry and coconut dessert for breakfast. We quickly stuffed ourselves in the car and prepared to depart for our next destination(s) of the day, Monday, August 6, 2007. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Adam’s First Birthday Party

Friday, September 21st, 2007

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The Livingston Brothers: Two of My Three Sons

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

3sons.jpgI could go on lamenting from now until doomsday about how few photos I had taken of me with various celebrities who attended the same Hollywood Collectors Shows as I did in both 1995 and 1997  – but it wouldn’t change the fact that it remains exceptionally difficult to conjure up the facts of exactly who I met and when. Especially considering that I had obtained so many of their autographs before the shows that I often I would simply walk by them without acknowledging them, lest they attempt to sell me an autograph that I already owned. When it comes to some of the cast members from the TV show My Three Sons, I’m fairly certain that it went down like this: Read the rest of this entry »