“The Exorcist” Stairs
Sunday, August 19th, 2007At left and below is a series of shots from the classic horror flick The Exorcist. Truth be told, I hadn’t seen the film in a long, long time (yet I naturally will never forget many aspects of it – like the tried-and-true projectile vomiting scene, for instance). But because it had been so long, I scarcely remembered the classic stairway sequence from the film – although I didn’t have the heart to tell Bob, who was excited to escort me to this location in Washington D.C. on the Georgetown University Campus. But once I returned home and re-viewed the scene where Father Karras plummets to his death outside of Regan’s house, I naturally appreciated the fact that I had taken the picture at the bottom of the page…which is also special because it was the very first one of our Virginia trip taken on August 4, 2007. Enjoy! Read the rest of this entry »