The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"...But where would I find such a man? Why am I asking you." - Hedley Lamarr, "Blazing Saddles"

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

Little Goil

Friday, August 10th, 2007

ss.jpgAll in the Family was always one of my very favorite TV sit-coms, so I was ecstatic to find that Sally Struthers would be appearing at the Hollywood Collectors Show during my February visit to California. Having already gotten her autograph through the mail in 1998, I didn’t need to purchase any additional signed photos, but brought the photo that she was kind enough to send me just in case she wondered why I wasn’t buying. In addition to more recent photo at left, she had also signed an All in the Family cast shot that already had the signatures of Caroll O’Connor and Jean Stapleton – which I will display at a later time. Read the rest of this entry »

073.jpgMost people thought I was crazy to travel all the way to Los Angeles for only three days, but the purpose of my trip was to take part in the festivities of the Way Out West Tent’s 40th anniversary celebration – which included a mixer, banquet, and two extensive Laurel and Hardy locations tours. I had exactly two days of unused vacation; I decided to use it here. And I’m certainly glad I did. As with my previous seven journeys to the west coast, this one too provided me with a lifetime of memories and good times with my many great friends from this neck of the country. Read the rest of this entry »

Holy Autograph! It’s Robin

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

robin.jpgAlthough I have no special attachment to or admiration for the TV series Batman, I recognize the fact that it is a legendary and iconoclastic example of television programming. So it was in that spirit that I chose to purchase the lovely color shot of Robin seen at left, and then pay $30 to have Burt Ward autograph it during the October 2005 Hollywood Collectors Show. Although I already owned a nice signed photo of Batman himself – aka Adam West – I originally was still going to purchase a photo that included Batman too – for the purpose of future signing. But then Bob reminded me that West would charge an outrageous fee to add his signature, so I opted for the solo shot. Read the rest of this entry »

mwc.jpg  Read the rest of this entry »

cal.jpgThe following is the conclusion to the journal of events from my October 2005 Hollywood vacation – the second half of my second day. Mostly this deals with the Hollywood Collectors Show that I attended on October 1. You will note a similar soapbox speech about the perceived greed of some of the celebrities at the Hollywood Collectors Show during my Hollywood ’07 trip. Obviously at the bottom of this posting, you will be able to follow a trail of celebrites and see separate entries about the stars whom I met during this show.  Read the rest of this entry »