Brad’s California Adventure: An Unfinished Memoir – Part 1
Sunday, July 8th, 2007Upon my return from my October 2005 trip to California (which strongly mirrored in many ways my most recent trip this past February), I had the itch to really create some sort of record, writing, scrapbook – whatever – of my misadventures and experiences from the vacation. As this was my ‘pre-website’ days, the only outlet I had was to write them into a Quark document for future possible printing – with photos – ala a newsletter of sorts. (The photo at left was the first one of the trip – Bob on the Walk of Fame). Because this required quite a bit of effort, I never finished it. In fact I only finished the first two days of chronicling the trip. Memory will help me fill in the blanks, but here’s what I had written for day one: Read the rest of this entry »