Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category
Disneyland and California Adventure ’07
Thursday, May 24th, 2007Dave, Jimmy, and I spent Thursday, February 15 at Disneyland. It was my fifth time there and 2007 was now being touting it as “The Year of a Million Dreams.” Since Dave is an employee of some merit at Disney (remember the great tour?), he is capable of getting in his guests free of charge. This is a great perk for him…and us as well. Of course, it wouldn’t matter. Spending the day at Disney with Dave is treat enough, as he knows many of the ins-and-outs of the parks. Read the rest of this entry »
That Tim White
Monday, May 21st, 2007Tim White came along a couple of years or so after I was hired at the Beavercreek Kroger in May of ’89. He was in the ‘next generation’ of the bagger elite. I was hesitant to include him in our ‘ranks’ – that of Jon, Larry, James, and me, mostly due to my own pigheadedness. But I soon learned that Tim was a very nice and funny guy, who in turn enjoyed my sense of humor. He liked the nicknames I came up with for the other employees and customers – and he really appreciated anything that could get Jon riled up. Jon never grew tired of saying how angry he was at “that Tim White!” Read the rest of this entry »
Protected: Ashleigh’s Junior Prom
Sunday, May 20th, 2007Hollywood ’07: Location Scouting
Friday, May 18th, 2007We had packed a lot of activity into the last five days, so on Wednesday, February 14 – Valentine’s Day – Jimmy and I spent a leisurely day traveling to and fro around Culver City, the Silverlake area, Hollywood, and Los Angeles scouting a select group of Laurel and Hardy locations. It had always been my desire to actually be involved in the finding of a new location. So we literally spent some of the day driving up and down in an area where we had reason to believe that one of the Laurel and Hardy films were made. Read the rest of this entry »