The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I believe you're getting old...and nutty" - Chief Ramsbottom, "Night Owls"

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

Myrtle Beach ’07 Comes to a Close

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

sat9.jpgThe last day of vacation is always a little bit melancholy because you know that soon you will be thrust back in the daily grind of everyday life. This one was a bit easier as I knew that even after the long drive home on Sunday, I’d have an additional day off to recuperate. This day was quite fun, really. On Saturday morning March 24, we went out to the indoor pool and I took Adam in with me. It was a fun challenge to get hime to enjoy the water and feel comfortable being in the strange conditions of water immersion. He did well. After we got out, I laid out for a bit and soaked up some rays.

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Our Visit With Randy

Saturday, May 12th, 2007

randyx.jpgRandy Skretvedt is the author of Laurel and Hardy: The Magic Behind the Movies, the single greatest book on Laurel and Hardy ever written – and probably one of my all-time favorite books overall. I can still remember the excitement when this book was delivered in the Summer of 1987 via postal service. I tore through the envelope and took it to the bathroom, where I do all of my heavy reading, and mulled it over for at least an hour. I have read it repeatedly over the course of the last twenty years – and am currently in the middle of it yet again. Read the rest of this entry »

Debby’s Graduation Party

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

deb3.jpgMy cousin Debby recently moved from Miamisburg into Beavercreek with her boyfriend Mike. Its nice now that they are much closer, and hopefully this will result in additional parties and visits to one another. On Saturday, May 5, they were having their second cookout that I have been invited to since she moved in. Unfortunately, I was on my way up to Chicago when the last impromptu get-together was announced. This time there was plenty of notice as this party was in celebration of her receiving her Masters degree in Science in Education as an Intervention Specialist from the University of Dayton. Read the rest of this entry »

fri8.jpgFriday was originally going to be our last day in Myrtle Beach in the Summer of ’07. However, Mom decided that she wanted to stay an extra day. I wasn’t too happy about it since I had to work first thing Monday morning – so I think I spent some of Friday sitting around and sulking and reading my Optical Illusions book. Anyway, this combined with the fact that it wasn’t all that warm outside, prevented me from going over to the beach near our other condo, the Windy Shores. My camera did go along though, and snapped some adorable shots of Adam in his swimming gear. Read the rest of this entry »

nixon5.jpgOn Tuesday morning, February 13, 2007, I spent the morning tinkering around Bob’s place. He had to work a half-day, so I got up, leisurely got ready for the day, ate some bags of chips off his couch, and browsed his autograph collection. He had a box of stuff he wanted me to look through to see if I wanted any of it. Around 11:00 or so, Bob came home and we headed to Yorba Linda, CA to see the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace. This was my second visit to his library, the first being when I visited California in 1995. Read the rest of this entry »