The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Dinosaurs scare you. They're doing the burp" - Ashleigh

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

Sunday Afternoon in Las Vegas

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

phan4.jpgBob and I had an afternoon of fun and frolics on Sunday, February 11, 2007 during our stay in the beautiful town of Las Vegas, Nevada. Early in the day we had visited Our Gang member Jack Hanlon, (which you may read about here) but before we showed up at his place, we swung by the Palm Valley View Memorial Park to see the gravesite of Redd Foxx of “Sanford and Son” fame. I naturally took the opportunity to pose for the completely inappropriate photo seen below. Read the rest of this entry »

Easter 2007 – and Denise’s Birthday

Monday, April 9th, 2007

easter18.jpgEaster Sunday fell on April 8th this year – Denise’s birthday. It was the first time since 1928 that this would happen. Remarkably, it will happen again in 2012 – five years from now – but then will never happen again in Denise’s lifetime. So glad I had the chance to share that with y’all. The other strange thing about this Easter was that it was freezing cold outside – literally. There were snow flurries coming down as Ashleigh and I headed out to Darlene and Bob’s in Miamisburg for this year’s gathering. It was just earlier this week that I was taking walks around our neighborhood in shorts and a t-shirt. Only in Ohio could we go from 80 to 18 in less than a week! Read the rest of this entry »

Yeah, Buddy…It’s Jon Petering!

Sunday, April 8th, 2007

jon.jpgI met Jon Petering shortly after first being hired at the Beavercreek Kroger on May 8, 1989. He had already been there for a couple of years at that point so he was comfortably seated near the top in seniority on the bagger schedule (second only to Ashok Sohal), working Monday thru Friday the 9am – 5pm shift. So during the school year, I usually only ran into him at the end of his shift. It wasn’t long before I took a liking to Jon. He loved to talk and pontificate on any number of subjects – often with brutal honesty and exuberant conviction. All of his revelations generally started with the phrase “Yeah, buddy…” Read the rest of this entry »

Visiting Jack Hanlon 2007

Friday, April 6th, 2007

jack.jpgThis was my second visit with Jack Hanlon – and I have to maintain that he is one of the nicest fellas you could ever hope to meet. Jack was a former child actor who had appeared in at least three of the silent Our Gang films: Ten Years Old, Olympic Games, and The Glorious Fourth. In addition, he had a role in the Buster Keaton classic The General. It was just over five years ago that Jack’s nephew contacted Bob and they arranged a meeting for the first time. Read the rest of this entry »

asun7.jpgIf the first part of our Myrtle Beach seems rather uneventful, that is because it was. I sometimes love to take vacations that are go-go-go, seeing as much as possible, and keeping so busy that I need a rest by the time I get home. California is always one of those types of trip. This one wasn’t. Mostly we ate…and watched TV…and played games for the first couple of days. The weather wasn’t quite warm enought to do a lot of swimming, so we found a lot of indoor fun, combined with jacketless trips to some local tourist draws. Read the rest of this entry »