The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Bob's pool. Yeah, sounds great, Bob's pool. I really want to see Bob's pool." - Jimmy Wiley

Archive for the '2010’s – Early' Category

Further Growing Pains

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

gp1In the Winter of 2011, I was able to meet one-third of the Seaver family from the 1980’s sitcom Growing Pains. Two years later, I was able to tip my percentage to half of the cast. The date was April 20, 2013, and this time it was Jeremy Miller, who had played the part of Ben Seaver, who was peeking his head out to meet the public at the Hollywood Show in Los Angeles. Read the rest of this entry »

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Greasers 2

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

gr9Trust me, I have plenty of guilty pleasures in my life – but possibly the guilitiest of all is the fact that I love the movie Grease 2, the 1982 follow-up to the smash hit Grease. The fact that virtually none of main cast returned didn’t seem to bother the filmmakers, who did manage to scrape together a half-dozen of the original supporting cast, most notably Eve Arden, Sid Caesar, Eddie Deezen, and Didi Conn. The main cast were mostly newcomers, and remarkably, despite the universal panning the film got, many went on to bigger stardom in other works. One – Michelle Pfeiffer – achieved a pretty high level of superstardom even. Read the rest of this entry »

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Marveling at the Avenger

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

lt3The Avengers – that is the sci-fi espionage crime drama British TV series that ran throughout the 1960’s, not the Stan Lee Marvel Comics superheroes – is a show I’ve always wanted to explore. So far I’ve made zero effort to do so, but the premise of the show fascinates me, and one day upon retirement after I’ve accomplished all else I’ve set out to do (and watch), I may just get to the surviving episodes of this series. In the meantime, assuming at some point I will be watching and enjoying the show, I’m going to meet any of the main cast with whom I come across. The first one happened on October 27, 2012. Read the rest of this entry »