The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Don't you think you're bounding over your steps?" - Stan Laurel, "The Music Box"

Archive for the '2010’s – Early' Category

Wrestling’s Living Legend

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

bruno3“Living Legend” is a phrase you don’t want to throw around too willy-nilly…especially when it comes to wrestlers. But I think that we can safely classify Bruno Sammartino as one without too much hesitation. Ironically, I can’t say that I’ve actually never seen him wrestle. But when I was in my glory days of being a wrestling fan back in the early to mid-1980’s, I saw his face time and time again within the pages of the stacks of wrestling magazines (including back issues) that I purchased. Even though he had just retired from full-time wrestling in 1981, I already considered him a wrestler from the ‘old days’ long before my time. Read the rest of this entry »

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A Peach of a Paré

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

eddie1If you grew up in the 1980’s like I did, chances are you’ll remember the phenomenon that was Eddie and the Cruisers. It made little difference if you had ever seen it or not; surely you’ll remember the constant commercials for it, the continuous showing of it on HBO, and if you truly were a fan you might know that it had a sequel called Eddie and Cruisers II: Eddie Lives! that was made before the decade came to a close. I’ll be quite honest: I never watched either of them. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: From Nyack to Cooperstown

Monday, May 5th, 2014

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Sideways with Maya

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

vm3Virginia Madsen had a largely unsung career for the first two decades of her film and television career, but interspersed with some largely forgettable films were a few interesting career boosters: David Lynch’s Dune for one, and starring role in the horror film Candyman to name another. There were also some fun television parts in such shows as American Dreams (as Rebecca), Moonlighting (3 episodes as Annie), and Frasier (4 episodes as Cassandra). Read the rest of this entry »