The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Snots, you roll over and let Uncle Clark scratch your belly." - Eddie, "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"

Archive for the '2010’s – Early' Category

Throwback Manager

Friday, September 9th, 2016

cornette1Wrestling manager Jim Cornette and I did a remarkable job of missing each other. It seemed his career swirled and slithered around my interest in wrestling, but we never stopped at the same place. While I was watching Georgia Championship Wrestling and early World Championship Wrestling in the early 1980’s, he was working in Mid-South Wrestling. My interests had mostly moved on by the time he arrived in the WCW. Then in the late 90’s whem my interest re-blossomed during the WCW/nWo era, he was working the WWF. It wasn’t his fault and it wasn’t my fault. It’s just the way it was. Read the rest of this entry »

hw2It was nice that the previous day had been rather low-key and relaxing, because this the fourth day of Laurel and Hardywood on Saturday, July 5, 2014, would be anything but… especially for David and me. We got up nice and early that morning and made our way from his house in Burbank to the Loew’s, meeting up with everyone in the lobby before 9am. Making a few last-minute notes, I found our Bus #4 again and David and I set out to host another but trip.  Read the rest of this entry »

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Cheers for Roebuck

Friday, May 13th, 2016

danr2It seems like an old fashioned concept to those of us who aren’t old enough to ‘remember’, but celebrities used to give away their autographs for free without question. Yes, I know many of them still do when they are hounded by fans out in public, after one of their shows or play or such. But I have become so accustomed to paying for autographs and even photo ops at these celebrity shows, that it becomes a beautiful treat when one of them is there just because they want to be, and will sign and pose for free. Dan Roebuck was one such person when I finally met him at the HorrorHound in Indianapolis on September 8, 2013. Read the rest of this entry »