The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Instead of getting a cat, why don't we all just stop flushing?" - Red Foreman, "That 70's Show"

Archive for the '2010’s – Early' Category

Bebe Hates Bombers

Tuesday, January 26th, 2016

bebe2It kind of sounds like a cool band name, but actually it is something that I learned about Bebe Buell when I met her at Chiller Theatre on October 27, 2012. It has been quite some time since I had went for the autographs of Playboy Playmates solely on the strength of them being a Playmate. Bebe was no exception because the fact that she was the November 1974 Playmate of the Month was just one of the things that I knew about Bebe. Read the rest of this entry »

Those Georgia Wrestling Days

Thursday, January 21st, 2016

wr11Anyone who has followed my website will already know that I’ve had an off and on fascination with professional wrestling. I loved it as a little grade-school kid, then enjoyed it fleetingly as a teenager, and returned to it in my late twenties. While I haven’t followed the current goings-on in the ‘sport’, I’ve never lost my fascination for the old days. The athleticism. The drama. And mostly the comedy. But if I had to pick my favorite era, it would undoubtedly hearken back to the early 1980’s when I first got hooked into those wonderful weekend broadcasts of Georgia Championship Wrestling on channel 17 TBS hosted by the fabulous Gordon Solie. Even my parents knew that the best punishment they could deliver me when I screwed up regularly was to take away my wrestling for the weekend. When that happened, I’d lay next to the TV so I could hear it, even if I couldn’t watch.  Read the rest of this entry »

Ki Ki Ki, Ma Ma Ma

Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

manf3Yes, we must get this out of the way right off the bat. It’s not “ha ha ha, chi chi chi” that we hear during those ultra-tense moments during any given Friday the 13th film. But for the last 35 years, that line – or rather sound – has been ‘misquoted’ the world over during those summer night walks through the woods, or scary dark nights in the living room with the electricity out. Ha ha ha, chi chi chi… But that’s not what it really is. As the title indicates, it was “ki ki ki, ma ma ma” as in “killer killer killer, mommy mommy mommy.” Read the rest of this entry »

A Tale as Old as Time…

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015

bb9 Read the rest of this entry »

It’s Their Move

Monday, December 14th, 2015

iym3I wouldn’t be so silly to try and make the case that the obscure TV show It’s Your Move carries the same kind of quality or weight as, let’s say, the films of Laurel and Hardy. No sir, not by a long stretch. But here’s the thing: somehow this little show that ran for just 18 episodes in 1984-1985 has taken on some serious acreage in my landscape of nostalgic loves.  In that regard, the show has become just as sacred as the masterwork films of Laurel & Hardy. Therefore it would stand to reason that like actors from the Laurel & Hardy films, the actors from It’s Your Move are highly sought out by me when it comes to celebrity encounters.  Of course considering that the TV show was made just over 30 years ago, and the L&H films were made roughly 75-85 years ago, meeting the IYM actors hasn’t quite taken on the same urgency. Read the rest of this entry »