The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Snots, you roll over and let Uncle Clark scratch your belly." - Eddie, "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"

Archive for the '2010’s – Early' Category

Beaver’s Friend Richard

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

richard3I remember when I first saw the 1983 documentary Amos ‘n’ Andy: Anatomy of a Controversy, I spotted a very familiar face being interviewed. That was a little bit before my time of actually wondering and considering what had become of those sitcom actors in old TV shows that I would watch. Even though I had already met a handful of Laurel and Hardy co-stars and Our Gang members, I assumed that my brushes with fame would probably end there. Who would have thought that I’d be getting autographs, sometimes actually corresponding, and even more out of the realm of possibility, meeting these television icons. Read the rest of this entry »

Lassie Lou

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

lass3As we speak right now, if you were to look on Wikipedia at the “List of Surviving Silent Film Actors,” you would find only 13 confirmed names. This list is of course dynamic, so it is going to change for some readers of this posting, but at the current moment you would find right smack in the middle of this list Lassie Lou Ahern. Lassie appeared in six of the earliest Our Gang comedies in 1923 and 1924, returning for a brief appearance in their 1926 short Thundering Fleas, which also starred Oliver Hardy. Read the rest of this entry »

James Stacy

Friday, May 29th, 2015

js4It’s hard to believe that someone whose career started on the squeaky clean sitcom The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet could take so many sharp left turns. Ironically, it’s because of his Ozzie & Harriet connection, in which he played Ricky’s frat brother Fred in 19 episodes between 1956 and 1963, that I was most interested in meeting him. His 1960’s sitcom connection didn’t stop there either, as he also made appearances in The Donna Reed Show, Hazel, and Mister Roberts, not to mention a handful of dramas and westerns.  Read the rest of this entry »

He Wasn’t Really Giggling

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

drake3When I found out that Larry Drake was going to be at the HorrorHound convention in Indianapolis on September 8, 2013, I was excited to add him to my list because of his ultra-creepy starring role as Robert G. Durant in the Liam Neeson vehicle Darkman. As an added bonus, he had a small part in the original Karate Kid movie as the ‘Yahoo #1 at Beach.’ You might actually recall him as the guy who tells Mr. Miyagi to ‘kindly remove (the bottles) yourself, Mr. Moto” … to which Miyagi karate chops the top half of the bottles off, prompting said yahoo to promptly remove the bottles.  Read the rest of this entry »

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