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"Insufficient data at the moment, Starchild" - Ace Frehley, "KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park"

Archive for the 'Books' Category

Hi Bob!

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

newhart_200.jpgYesterday I opened the mailbox and was greeted with a large yellow package. These are always fun. I shredded the envelope and got stuffing all over the floor, but after that catastrophe was cleaned up, I slid out the new book by Bob Newhart, “I Shouldn’t Even Be Doing This! (and Other Things That Strike Me as Funny)”

Newhart is one of my idols. His arid sense of humor and timing have been the source of a tremendous deal of laughter in my family. I have an extensive video collection of all four of his television series “The Bob Newhart Show,” “Newhart,” “Bob,” and “George and Leo.” Although I have never had the chance to meet him, he has signed a few autographs for me through the mail (one is pictured at bottom). Read the rest of this entry »

Ronald Reagan, An American Life

Friday, September 29th, 2006

reagan.jpgI used to make fun of Ronald Reagan at the time he was President, but what did I know at that time? I was young and I thought he was old, slow, and phony – what else could a former actor be? I just finished listening to the Audio CD version of his biographical An American Life last week and confirmed what I’d come to suspect later in life: Reagan was a great guy. Read the rest of this entry »

All the Best, George Bush

Tuesday, September 19th, 2006

george_bush_all_the_best_abridged.jpgI never cared much for George H.W. Bush, our 41st President. I thought he was stiff, condescending, and ineffective. But I just finished listening to an audio CD of All the Best, George Bush and my opinon of Bush as a man has completely changed.

This book is comprised almost solely of letters that Bush has written throughout his life, intermingled with diary entries he made during some of our nation’s most historic times. By the nature of how this book was comprised, I was confident that these writings reflected the true nature of President Bush. Read the rest of this entry »