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"Don't touch me, I'm sterile." - Ed Norton, "The Honeymooners"

Archive for the 'Cats' Category

The Treat Stash

Saturday, January 20th, 2007

tintin.jpgRecently, Tiny the one-year old kitten has developed a keen awareness and passion for fine foods. Just look at the picture at right to see her ogling Ashleigh’s frozen waffle. In the past, we have always kept the cat treats on the counter next to the jug of regular cat food. One day about two weeks ago, I went to feed the cats and noticed that the treat bag was missing. I thought this odd, but did not really dwell on it, and ended up just opening another bag. A couple of days later, I noticed that this treat bag was missing as well. Read the rest of this entry »

The Tiny Mystery

Monday, December 18th, 2006

tinyc2.jpgBefore you click the “Read the rest of this entry>>” button, please go back and look over the posting found here, which describes our kitten Tiny’s ascent to the top of the cupboards. Yes, that was cute and all, but take a look at what I found when I came home from a shopping trip on Saturday afternoon and try and explain this…

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Rowdy and Unsophisticated

Monday, December 11th, 2006

tiny.jpgOur cat Tiny has passed slightly beyond the age of kitten, but this doesn’t seem to prevent her from behaving in a fashion reminiscent of a two-year old child. I have tried in vain to break her from getting up onto counters and tables, but now even these obstacles are not enough of a challenge for her. She has found new mountains to climb in this jungle gym that I call a house. Read the rest of this entry »

Tiny’s Sunday Morning Stroll

Friday, October 27th, 2006

tiny4.jpgOn Saturday night, Ashleigh came home with her friends, and like any teenager worthy of the title, forgot to close the garage door. This wasn’t really that big of a deal. We live in a relatively safe neighborhood so no one stole our cars. Read the rest of this entry »

Heeeere’s Tiny!

Sunday, October 1st, 2006

tiny1.jpgTiny is one of the most incredible and unique cats I’ve ever had the pleasure to own. She was born on Sept. 9, 2005 and was named Anakin Beard by her foster parents. This adorable kitten came into my life when I was shopping for kittens to give to Ashleigh for Christmas. She was in a tiny cage with her two siblings at the SICSA animal shelter. Although she was soundly sleeping, I asked if I could remove her from the cage. Immediately, she passed my first criteria of a perfect cat by beginning to purr.

Next, I set her atop an eye-level cat tower to look her over and see how she responded to me. She quietly stared at me and then took her paw and gently removed my glasses from my face. That did it – I had to have her! Read the rest of this entry »