The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Inspector Smoky Bates, private eye for the public schools." - Norman Lamb, "It's Your Move"

Archive for the 'Historical Locations' Category

Bath, Stonehenge, Windsor

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

With a grand total of about five hours sleep, my night’s rest on Monday, going into Tuesday, March 30, 2010, held the record for the most consecutive minutes of shut-eye during the week of my London trip. Bob and I got up that morning at around 6:30am, got ready, and headed down to the continental breakfast in the basement floor of the Central Park Hotel. I was very disappointed that it was so skimpy. For some reason, I had expected the amazing buffet that we had gotten in Guatemala and I had seen in many of the hotels in Europe. But this week, I survived on a couple of buttered croissants and the occasional bowl of mushy raisin and bran cereal. Read the rest of this entry »

Even after an exhausting day at Disneyland, it is hard to sleep in very late when your body’s time is three hours ahead of the real time. So despite the exhaustion, on the morning of Sunday, March 28, 2010, my eyes still open at about 6:30am in my friend Jimmy’s guest room in San Pedro, California. I tinkered around with my email and Facebook (having brought my laptop along with me on this trip), then slowly got ready for the day. It would be a long one…and it would be about 33 hours before my head would hit another pillow – in a country far, far away. Read the rest of this entry »

My Own Backyard

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

aj1Back home in Dayton, I was so tired from the road trip that Bob and I had taken across West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey on the morning of Sunday, June 20, 2009, I almost considered sending Bob out alone to see the few sites in my own backyard of Dayton, Ohio, that he wanted to see. Then I thought better and decided to be a good host…and get some photos with some of the cool things that we actually have in my little old home town. Read the rest of this entry »

ak6The last day that Bob and I spent on the road of our weeklong road trip through Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey came on Saturday, June 19, 2009. There were just a few places left on our itinerary that we needed to hit, and then there were a few select locations that had been on Bob’s to-do list since our last Ohio road trip. And finally, there were a couple of spots that we had in fact visited during that trip, but since Bob’s digital camera had dropped his photos of these places, he needed to see again. Read the rest of this entry »

mb7I had had virtually three full days in a row of traveling and sightseeing in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Charleston, South Carolina – and I was ready to spend my last day of my final major trip of 2009 relaxing in Myrtle Beach on Friday, July 31. The exhaustion I felt at that point actually allowed me to sleep a full eight hours that night before waking up to a bit of bacon and eggs…and two visitors. Read the rest of this entry »