The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I also need some money for a treat, said the blonde." - Christi Adkins

Archive for the 'Me Myself and I' Category

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One Year of The Terrible Catsafterme

Thursday, September 13th, 2007

cat.jpgI don’t usually like to write about the website on the website, but no real in-depth glance of my life would be complete without mentioning the time spent on putting this together – especially considering I would like to be able to look back on the website to capture the flavor of any given era. Whereas when I reflect on events or time periods of the past and I can usually summarize a broad overview of not only what was going on eventwise, but what was going on in my head, when I write about current events, I miss the brushstroke that paints the atmosphere of this time period. And certainly a key element to the year 2007 would be the work I have done on this site. Read the rest of this entry »


Monday, September 25th, 2006

img309.jpgMake no mistake, my life is not quite worthy of a biography… but I have always wanted to create a synopsis of important and interesting events from my life in some unknown format just for the sake of having some documentation available for later on down the road when I’m too old to remember anything. This is also a worthwhile endeavor simply for the sheer joy of recalling good times of the past.

There are two things I especially wanted to chronicle. I thought about actually doing two booklets and printing them up a while back, but that seemed much too difficult and would have invariably fallen by the wayside and never been completed. But with this journal, I can see myself actually doing it a little at a time and leaving myself the opportunity to edit it and add things to it. Read the rest of this entry »

Minus the Camera

Saturday, September 16th, 2006

camera.gifI hope this is one of the few posts on this diary that has no accompanying visual aid, save this stock photo of a camera. The problem is I can’t post a photo here because of the nature of the topic.

Priorities change in life all the time. Ideas develop over the years and we often criticize ourselves for indescretions of the past… Read the rest of this entry »