The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son" - Dean Wermer, "Animal House"

Archive for the 'Music' Category

The Other Boss

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

I returned with my Dad from North Carolina, WrestleCade, and Fort Bragg (and a couple of Diners, Drive-Ins and Drives for good measure) on the evening of Monday, November 28, 2016, to the smiling face of Carolyn who was dragging Christmas tree stuff upstairs, and some delightful little muffins. But that’s not all I returned to: I had a pretty unbelievable celebrity encounter coming up the next day, and as you’ve probably guessed from the photo, it was with the Boss himself. No, not Hal Roach, not Carolyn, not Silas, not my boss Debbie from work… this was THE Boss that everyone knows.  Read the rest of this entry »

There’s a period of my life that rarely comes up any more. I’ve been a music lover, no, music adorer since I was a young kid, spinning record after record on my old portable record player. As a youth I’ve gone through phases of liking all kids of music – from Sesame Street tunes to Barry Manilow to KISS to the Beatles and on and on. These days my music palette is tremendously huge, and I’ve even let in certain rap and country artists (just CERTAIN ones), and my enjoyment of music has never been greater or broader. But there was a period – let’s just call it 1987 – when the only thing on my mind was heavy metal. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Eating Detroit 2016

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

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Hey Hey It’s the Final Monkee!

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

mn3I must say, I never thought it would happen. Up until recent days, it seemed that Mike Nesmith was by far the most elusive of the Monkees. Although he had returned to playing live with the band now and then after Davy Jones’ death, and I had known that people had gotten backstage to meet them, I didn’t foresee myself shelling out those kind of big bucks, much less even attending a concert. Then when I heard that he had been announced for the Spring 2015 Chiller Theatre show that I normally attend, I sort of hit the roof. And not in the good way. I had already committed to being at Disney World that week and had already accepted the fact of missing the show, and missing a smattering of celebs I wanted to meet, chief among them Michael Nesmith.  Read the rest of this entry »

Ratt Guy

Monday, February 9th, 2015

ratt2I always love a nice trip down memory lane. Usually this involves a TV show or movie that I watched as a kid or young teen, but occasionally it moves into my young teen music years. I really wasn’t a full-fledged glam metal addict until about 1987. Specifically I moved from a passion for Super 8 home movies into heavy metal cassette tapes. Come to think of it, there was a never a time when some form of media didn’t occupy my obsessive nature. But I digress. Read the rest of this entry »