Archive for the 'On the Town' Category
Dancing With the Stars and Waltzing Through L.A.
Saturday, January 24th, 2009After I had utterly stuffed myself with a wide array of delicious sushi in San Pedro, Jimmy and I headed out to our next destination of Tuesday, October 7, 2008: the CBS Studios in Hollywood. Bob had secured us V.I.P. tickets to see the afternoon taping of Dancing With the Stars. I must admit that I had never been a follower of the show and was only going because I knew that it was something that many others might consider to be a cool thing. While I do enjoy TV tapings such as these, they do not thrill me as much as other celebrity events because I know that there is little or no chance of any personal interaction with the celebrities. Read the rest of this entry »
Protected: Year-End Triple Whammy at Canal Street with the Heartless Bastards
Saturday, January 3rd, 2009Protected: The Well-Rounded Exploits of December 2008
Saturday, December 20th, 2008Halloween 1973 and Other Fall Diversions
Saturday, December 13th, 2008As the Fall set into our life in our new Echo Hill home, Mom and Dad kept me pretty busy with gatherings, events, and short trips for us to partake in as the weather turned crisper and cooler. There was always plenty to do in the pre-cable, pre-video game, pre-VCR/DVD days, and we still seemed to be happy. Read the rest of this entry »