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"Don't you think you're bounding over your steps?" - Stan Laurel, "The Music Box"

Archive for the 'On the Town' Category

Protected: This Is Halloween 2008

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

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hl11.jpgOne nice thing about being on California time is that – despite the incredibly long day I spent on Saturday – I was up bright and early on Sunday morning, October 5, 2008, having felt as if I had slept in even though it was only 7am. This left me plenty of time to get ready and load my stuff back into Bob’s car – and still make our breakfast meeting at 9am. Bob and I meandered down to the restaurant in the Marriott hotel lobby area for a nice big breakfast buffet. Generally, almost all of the celebrities from the Hollywood Collectors Show stay in the hotel – and we spotted a few of the in the restaurant. Among them was Margaret Kerry, who was not only in the restaurant, but sitting at our table and eating with us. Read the rest of this entry »

ja9.jpgWhen I first began to plan my October 2008 trip to California nearly a year before it took place, there were four goals that I had in mind which I hoped to accomplish while there – and I had no idea if any of the four would even be possible to arrange. Soon things began to really take shape and not long before I left, I had made arrangements to make three of them actually happen – and these all will be covered in this series of postings. I will go ahead and tell you the fourth since it didn’t happen: an old high school friend is employed by NBC in the publicity department and I had hoped to set up a private tour of the facility and sets. She didn’t seem to think that there was anything of interest that she could show me (or perhaps she just didn’t want to), so that prospect was quickly nixed. Turns out her job took her to New York before I even arrived in California, so it wouldn’t have worked out anyway. Read the rest of this entry »

Amsterdam and the Convention Kickoff

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008

am9.jpgIt was nice to finally get a chance to sleep in on Wednesday, July 9, 2008. After four full days of traveling from sun-up to sundown (and the sun went down late), it was a much-needed refresher. Unfortunately it meant sacrificing some precious time in the city of Amsterdam. Afterall, we were at the ‘Amsterdam’ convention, but since we were staying in Alphen aan den Rijn, on the outskirts of the city, we had yet to see the famous and debaucherous Amsterdam. Read the rest of this entry »

jack2.jpgUsually the week between Christmas and New Years is reserved for eating leftovers, playing with new toys, lamenting the removal of decorations, and generally no excitement whatsover. This week in 1995 would have been no exception had it not seen a visit from my friend and a fellow Son of the Desert member from Seattle, Washington. Jack Taylor was in Cincinnati visiting his wife Cathy Ledbetter-Taylor, who was touring as an oboe player with the production of Miss Saigon, so he decided to swing by Dayton and hang out with me for a couple of days.   Read the rest of this entry »