The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Don't touch me, I'm sterile." - Ed Norton, "The Honeymooners"

Archive for the 'Reunions' Category

Lisa Baker

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Lisa Baker and I went through all 13 years of school together…from the lowly kindergarten class at Fairbrook Elementary to graduation day at Beavercreek High School. Along the way, we shared moments of both disdain and awkward crushes – but I always considered her to be a constant friend. We first shared the same classroom during second grade in Mrs. Deets’ class (her picture from that year seen at left), and then again the following year in Mrs. Corn’s third grade class. There were times when we got along fine and then there were others when I can remember her eyes shooting daggers at me during Mrs. Owens music class. And I have no doubt it stemmed for some display of obnoxiousness from me like, oh say, tapping my cowboy boot to the music.  Read the rest of this entry »

The Ankeney Chargers – Part One

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

School days nostalgia is fun to recall. Spending 13 years in the public schools is bound to yield a great number of memories spanning from early childhood to the onslaught of adulthood. I hold all of the memories from these years in very high regard, but it seems that the older the memory, the fonder it is. My Ankeney years came at the beginning of the latter half of my school years – from the Fall of 1984 to the Spring of 1987. It was a new era of leaving behind the safety of Fairbrook Elementary where I was an upper-classman, and become a lowly pre-pubescent, chubby, gawky, early teenaged seventh grader. But, boy, these were fond memories too. Read the rest of this entry »

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In the gorgeous senior photo at left is Amy Meredith. This photo was sent to me following our last year at Camp Woodland Altars together. Amy and I had attended Youth Camp together in 1987, 1988, and 1989. We were in the same group led by Kevin Dull and Judy Yoder in 1988. She was always one of my favorite people in the camp – smart, pretty, kind, and with a great sense of humor. I’m not sure how her judgement was though, because apparently she seemed to be fond of me as well. On the back of the photo, she wrote: Read the rest of this entry »