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"Upset? I'm housebroken." - Stan Laurel, "Babes In Toyland"

Archive for the 'US Presidents' Category

Canada, Acadia, and Lobster

Monday, August 19th, 2013

as14We saw the sun on the morning of Sunday, July 15, 2012, before almost anyone in America. Well, we would have if we hadn’t slept through it. Bob and I were in Lubec, Maine – which is credited as being the easternmost town in the contiguous United States. But aside from the sunrise, we had already seen everything there was to see here. But there was more to see just a little further east. Of course to go further east meant that we would have to leave American soil, and since we had our passports handy, that’s just what we did. But we started with a bit of breakfast continental style, mine being especially full of blueberry (a muffin and yogurt), and then a little bit after 8am, we checked out and headed into Canada. Read the rest of this entry »

New York, New York, Part One, Part One

Friday, June 28th, 2013

ny3With the number of times that I’ve flown into New York City, I have spent very scant time doing anything there. The first time I made it into the city was in 1994 when the Sons of the Desert Convetion was held in Tareytown, on the far northern outskirts of the city. My family and my friend John Poe took a train into Grand Central and walked around, doing little else but gawking. My friend Peter guided me to Yankee Stadium once and to Manhattan another time during a pair of my Chiller excursions, but we did little but eat at the Hard Rock Cafes in each location. This is all my way of saying that there was lots and lots and lots of stuff that I needed to see. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Plains and Maranatha 5

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

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Vermont and New Hampshire

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

ba7I had stayed up later than Bob the night before watching the TV pilot episode of Newhart on my laptop after Bob had already fallen asleep. The reason why is that I was sleeping inside the Waybury Inn, in East Middlebury, Vermont – which was used as the establishing shot of the Stratford Inn on one of my all-time favorite sitcoms Newhart. Mind you they never actually filmed anything here other than shots of the inn. Bob Newhart had never even been at the inn. But in watching the show, you see it two or three times per episode, so it had become ingrained in my mind, so since the beginning of this trip’s inception, staying here was a must. Read the rest of this entry »

Franklin Pierce and Me

Saturday, April 13th, 2013

piercexIf I were ever to achieve the office of the President (which most likely isn’t going to be happening), I’m not sure if I’d rather be thought of as one of the most unknown U.S. Presidents, or one of the worst U.S. Presidents. Franklin Pierce has somehow managed to achieve both. Despite his messy haircut and the fact that he wasn’t even considered a candidate for the Presidency during the election of 1852, he was elected to the highest office in the land and remained so for one term from 1853-1857. A Northerner with Southern sympathies, our 14th President entered the Presidency a thoroughly sad and depressed man, after losing his only surviving child during a train accident weeks after he was elected President. Obviously this disturbing event was enough to take Pierce’s mind off his job running the nation. Pierce was eventually abandoned by his own party and wasn’t nominated by the Democratic Party to run in the next election. Read the rest of this entry »