The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Thank you, toilet bowl" - Bill Cosby, "Bill Cosby: Himself"

Archive for the 'Vacations' Category

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Watching Laurel & Hardy films has been such an integral part of my psyche ever since the age eight, that devouring them through sight and sound is just a part of how my pay my respects and reverence to the films. Certainly meeting the folks who worked in them has been one of the great joys in my life. Sadly they are almost all gone now, but coming in at second place as a way to actually become ‘part’ of these films is to visit the places where they shot them. More specifically, to actually stand in the presence of buildings and landmarks that can be seen in the films.  Read the rest of this entry »

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Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018

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High Society and Disney

Friday, March 16th, 2018

After our brunch with Caren Kaye, Renny Temple, and Adam Sadowsky (hereafter referred to as the IYM breakfast), David and I headed back to his place on the afternoon of Sunday, February 12, 2018. It was about 2:00pm and we took the opportunity to just browse some episodes of Maude, while we moved closer to a nodding off state. Eventually we caught our second wind and headed back out to grab dinner and see a show.  Read the rest of this entry »

The end of any Sons of the Desert convention is always a little bit sad, and this one had been particularly fun. Bob had an idea to make this one a little more palatable though, as even after it ended on the morning of Sunday, July 6, 2014, with the standard Farewell Brunch and passing of the Pineapple and all that good stuff, it wasn’t really over. That morning David and I got up and ready at his place and were on the road around 8:30 back to the Loews. I bid farewell to David’s cat Flo, which turned out to be the last time I saw him, as he passed away later that month. David thinks this is the last picture of him as well.  Read the rest of this entry »