The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Inspector Smoky Bates, private eye for the public schools." - Norman Lamb, "It's Your Move"

Archive for September, 2006

Abby Loves Soap

Friday, September 15th, 2006

I love this shot of my cousin Karen’s daughter Abby. Just imagine how unsuccessful you would have been if you had been trying to pose her like this!



Miss Emmie

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

emmie.jpgOn days like these when nothing much happens, I could tell you about the mundane aspects of everyday living, such as a graphic description of the horrendous traffic jam I saw this morning – or I could opt to say something of interest.

What I envision is that this will be an ongoing diary highlighting events of interest as they actually occur (assuming they ever do) – as well as a diary of reminiscences, reflections, opinions, or anecdotes. In other words, this is my own private Farmer’s Almanac, full of  relevant or completely irrelevant miscellany. But that’s enough explanations of how this is the most incohesive bit of gobbledygook ever written. On to the heart of the matter! In this case, it involves our visit to the grave of Oliver Hardy’s mother, Miss Emmie. Read the rest of this entry »

Adam the First

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

ock-x3.jpgThere’s something pretty cool about my first entry being about new life. I just got off of the phone with my sister to get all of the details. She went into labor at about 2:15 pm while at work and delivered my first and only nephew Adam Joseph Ockerman at 4:33 pm. He came in at 7lbs, 1 oz. As people say, “both mother and baby are fine.” I will likely travel to Columbus this weekend to see him. I’ve always wanted a young lad to corrupt. (My daughter Ashleigh is uncorruptable but oh, how I’ve tried.)


Five mintues old.

Continue with 2006