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Archive for December, 2006

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Sunday, December 31st, 2006

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What I Liked in Early 1985

Saturday, December 30th, 2006

img079.jpgOne thing I remember well about going into 1985 was that I was fat. So understandably, I was rather camera-shy. There are photos of me during Christmas 1984 and then I really can’t find any more until the Summer of 1985. Not that there was much going on of which to take photos anyway. But as I collect my thoughts and transport myself to this time period, I realize that these were some good times, characterized mosty by my hobbies. If I had kept a time capsule at this time, these are some of the things that might be found in it from the year which began with New Years Eve. To ring in the new year, my friend Chris Demeter spent the night and we spent the late hours walking around the neighborhood lighting firecrackers, and perhaps cigarettes. But the rest of my memories are characterized by my hobbies and obsessions, rather than much specific activity. Read the rest of this entry »

Sunken Gardens 1975

Friday, December 29th, 2006

sunk3.jpgAs I deduced in my previous posting about Florida 1975 and my first trip to Disney World, my Dad did in fact bring along his camera. Once he agreed that there must be additional slides of this trip somewhere, he went on double-secret alert scouting for the missing transparencies. On Christmas Eve, he presented me with the heretofore lost artifacts, which had turned up in the back of his closet, along with some other great slides of the era – plus some additional ones of his family trips from the 1960’s. These Florida slides were dated June of 1975, further narrowing the dates of the trip. Read the rest of this entry »


Thursday, December 28th, 2006

img067.jpgI spent nearly the entire first half of 2000 blissfully submerged in a resurrection of Dante’s Info. I recall these chilly months working at Xenia Kroger spending every break and then going home and spending nearly every waking minute obsessively reading all of the published works on Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy and toiling over this newsletter. The reason: I had gotten the bright idea to try and put together an informational newsletter for every single monthly tent meeting.

At the October 31, 1999 tent meeting, I proudly and mysteriously announced on my Tonight’s Film Program schedule Coming Soon: D.I.Y.2.K – meaning, of course, Dante’s Info 2000. Read the rest of this entry »

Gerald R. Ford

Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

img066.jpgIt was sad to hear of President Gerald R. Ford’s passing yesterday at the age of 93 – just a month and a half after he surpassed Ronald Reagan’s record as the longest living President. Those not familiar with the history of the time period might assume that Ford did very little to advance the country – especially since he was the only President not to be elected to office. But during two visits to the Gerald R. Ford Museum in Lansing, Michigan, I learned otherwise. Read the rest of this entry »