The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" - Bluto, "Animal House"

Archive for 2006

Protected: More Baby Shower Photos Discovered!

Wednesday, December 6th, 2006

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Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

love.jpgWhen I first heard the new offering from The Beatles (that I originally reported here), I was mildly disappointed. I’m not sure what it was I expected – I guess I thought that producer George Martin would somehow magically layer different tracks of Beatles instrumentals and create entirely new songs. Who wouldn’t be excited for new Beatles songs? So at first, when I tuned in to the album Love, I initially just took these to be remixed and re-edited versions of the same old songs. Read the rest of this entry »

My Name on Everything

Monday, December 4th, 2006

img978.jpgI guess you could say that I have always taken great pride in my work. So I would guess that it was sometime around 1975 that I first learned to write my name – a feat that I wanted to proudly share with everyone. I also was probably told that it was good to put your name on things that were yours so that if they were lost, you could reclaim them. That is why I decided that I would put my name on every single item possible in my room. Read the rest of this entry »

z.jpgMy Grandparents, Harold Murphy and Loretta Murlin met around 1941 at a roller skating rink. At first they were only acquaintences, then friends. She was dating another guy and they were not getting along well, so my Grandpa made an obvious and friendly suggestion: “quit dating him – and better yet, start dating me”. And so it began…

Of course, being war time and my Grandpa being eighteen, he was drafted into the service. Read the rest of this entry »

cos3.jpgFollowing the great Pee-Wee victory and day in the sweltering Georgia heat at the Golf Hall of Fame, we were all ready for some indoor activity. That afternoon saw the Grand Council meeting, a gathering of Sons to discuss ‘business’ matters at hand. For the second year in a row, there was no business – as most of the Sons are too bored, complacent, or old to care about much any more. So we voted on the next convention. Our choices were Sacramento, Detroit, and Amsterdam. Since Amsterdam promised to be an extremely costly trip, I voted for Sacramento. Read the rest of this entry »