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Brad's Musings and Meanderings

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"Bye-bye, baby face!" - Lily, "Our Relations"

Archive for January, 2007

Vincent Price

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

vprice2.jpgHere’s another autograph that I received through the mail in the Summer of 1985, proving yet again that really famous people can sign autographs for fans – for free. I’m not sure why I chose Vincent Price to send a request to, but I would again guess that I saw that Carl had received a response to his request. I only knew Mr. Price as the star of the 3-D opus House of Wax (although I probably hadn’t seen it yet at this point), the crazy guy from “The Brady Bunch” Hawaiian episode, and the voice from Michael Jackson’s Thriller song. I sent the request on July 22 and received an almost immediate response, adding the photo below and two signed notecards to my collection on July 29. This hobby sure was getting cool! Read the rest of this entry »

Eric Hubble: It’s Still Funny as Hell

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

eric3.jpgTwenty years! That’s the only phrase I could think for the first five minutes that I spent with Eric Hubble on January 27, 2007. That is how long it had been since we had last seen each other – or even communicated. Truth be told, Eric and I spent only about a dozen days of our lives in each other’s presence, but also we exchanged many letters and telephone conversations over the course of just over one year. Unfortunately, as we entered high school in our respective hometowns, we headed off into different directions and simply lost touch over time. Read the rest of this entry »

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Ripley’s Aquarium ’06

Sunday, January 28th, 2007

ripx.jpgContinuing our Myrtle Beach trip in the Summer of ’06…After our time at the KISS Coffeehouse and Johnny Rocket’s, Mom took Grandpa back to the condo, while Ashleigh, Briana, and I browsed the shops. After she returned, we continued to walk around Broadway at the Beach until we happened onto Ripley’s Aquarium. Briana had never been there, so she was able to talk me into going in with her while my Mom and Ashleigh shopped. Read the rest of this entry »

St. Pete Beach Fun in the Sand

Saturday, January 27th, 2007

sand2.jpgIt is clear from these three photos that I not only enjoyed the swimming pool, but also the salty sea and sand. This, again, is our 1975 trip to St. Pete Beach, Florida. My Dad, in his desire to take some artistic shots, took some lovely panoramic photos that not only featured my Mom and me enjoying the beach, but a landscape of the coastline where we were staying, and a broad view of the ocean – framing little old us along with a passing sea vessel. There’s nothing artistic about the bottom photo – but it’s my favorite. Read the rest of this entry »