The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Bob's pool. Yeah, sounds great, Bob's pool. I really want to see Bob's pool." - Jimmy Wiley

Archive for February, 2007

The Steak…and the Cake

Wednesday, February 28th, 2007

pie.jpgAfter our long day in the hot, tepid weather at Stone Mountain, retiring to the hotel restaurant with our pals Jimmy and Dave really hit the spot. Ashleigh had won a $75 gift certificate to the eatery at the banquet the night before, a result of our scavenger hunt victory. She and I splurged on some fine food and dessert, including my steak that looked like the United States of America, and was almost as big (above left). While we were eating, Ed Greim strolled through the restaurant chatting with the diners. Read the rest of this entry »

Bill Wolfstone

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

billw2.jpgI was starting to amass quite a bit of material for my Sons of the Desert Tent’s quarterly newsletter Dante’s Info in the early part of 1995. Doing research and collecting was certainly a high priority in my life at this juncture. Bill Cappello, who I had become friends with after we met at the 1994 New York convention was assisting in any way he could. He had done a remarkable job at locating ‘missing’ celebrities. One such find was Bill Wolfstone, who had portrayed “Little Curly” in the the Three Stooges film Three Little Pigskins in 1934 (see photo at left). Read the rest of this entry »

The Walt Disney Studios – Scene 1

Monday, February 26th, 2007

dis9.jpgOne of the most interesting things I saw during my California trip was the Walt Disney Studios – and it was virtually the first item on the docket. After Jimmy and I killed a couple of hours in Santa Monica, we headed to Burbank to find the Walt Disney Studios and meet our friend David Rodriguez for lunch. When we drove up to the gate, I immediately recognized the surroundings as seen in several Disney documentaries, as well as in the 1941 Disney feature The Reluctant Dragon. David works as a colorist for the studios and had given the front guard our names as visiting guests. Read the rest of this entry »

Dom DeLuise and Other Failures

Sunday, February 25th, 2007

dom.jpgI only jest with the title. I liked the sound of poking fun at Dom DeLuise since he did such a lousy job in the Laurel and Hardy tribute ‘documentary’ Laurel and Hardy – A Tribute to the Boys. But the truth is that Mr. Dom (pictured at left portraying Oliver Hardy, opposite Jim MacGeorge’s Stan Laurel) must be a fairly nice guy since he was kind enough to send me the legitimately autographed and inscribed glossy photo seen below. I received this on August 31, 1985, as a result of the letter I sent out on August 12, so it was a speedy response as well. This came along with a single signed notecard that also featured his little illustration as part of signature.

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Protected: Our Last Night at the Pavillion

Saturday, February 24th, 2007

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