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"Mother isn't quite herself today." - Norman Bates, "Psycho"

Archive for February, 2007

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Saturday, February 3rd, 2007

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I Meet Mickey 2

Friday, February 2nd, 2007

mick.jpgThis brings to a close our 1975 Florida trip. (Interestingly, when I started putting together this website, I had no photos or info about the trip whatsoever). If you are still wondering why there are no further photos from Disney World since my Dad was obviously wearing his camera in the shot taken in front of the 20,000 League Under the Sea ride…well, there were a few slides. But unfortunately, there were no people in them – so weren’t really worth displaying. Most were actually taken inside the It’s a Small World ride and were rather dark. But just to satiate your appetite, here are a couple of the better ones of Disney World in 1975. These beautiful shots provide a glimpse of Disney from this era. Actually, the knobby little knees in the bottom right hand corner of the photo above right do belong to me. I think there was an attempt to get me into a shot with the famous mouse before the tall lanky girl stepped in and ruined everything. Read the rest of this entry »

The Indoor Sons Luau

Thursday, February 1st, 2007

alu2.jpgI still fondly recall the gala outdoor luau held at the Valley Forge Sons of the Desert convention in 1986, complete with a pig roast, music, and the warm night air – so it was a little disappointing to find that the Augusta convention Friday night luau would be held indoors in a stuffy banquet room. Not that it wouldn’t have been miserable in the Georgia humidity, but still it was a bit of a letdown. Read the rest of this entry »