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"You can trust me insipidly." - Oliver Hardy, "Our Relations"

Archive for August, 2007

Spanky 1980

Monday, August 6th, 2007

spank4.jpgMy association with George “Spanky” McFarland began on July 31, 1980 when I snuck up behind him to eavesdrop on his interview in Culver City. Later that night, he appeared at the Our Gang reunion, but for some reason I didn’t get his autograph in my book at that time. Having flown in from Texas for the convention, Spanky was at the convention for its entire duration so I was able to get his signature later on – as I recall I got my book signed in the hospitality suite later that night.  Read the rest of this entry »

Thanksgiving 1985

Sunday, August 5th, 2007

tg11.jpgIt appears that we had two Thanksgiving celebrations in 1985. This particular year, Thanksgiving fell on Thursday, November 28 in 1985. This was less than two weeks after Grandpa Murphy’s 62nd birthday which is November 15. Not long before, he had undergone open-heart surgery. This is one of those holidays that would have surely been assigned to memory oblivion had we not had these nice family photos of the event. I speculate that we had an early Thanksgiving celebration combined with Grandpa’s birthday so that Darlene could celebrate with us. I’m betting that she and Bob were able to make it home from Denver during the early part of November, but not Thanksgiving, so we had an additional celebration for her benefit. This makes sense because Bob was released from the army on November 30 and likely had to be back in Colorado in order to complete his service exit paperwork. Read the rest of this entry »

mwc.jpg  Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Christmas 1990 (Continued)

Friday, August 3rd, 2007

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cal.jpgThe following is the conclusion to the journal of events from my October 2005 Hollywood vacation – the second half of my second day. Mostly this deals with the Hollywood Collectors Show that I attended on October 1. You will note a similar soapbox speech about the perceived greed of some of the celebrities at the Hollywood Collectors Show during my Hollywood ’07 trip. Obviously at the bottom of this posting, you will be able to follow a trail of celebrites and see separate entries about the stars whom I met during this show.  Read the rest of this entry »