The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" - Bluto, "Animal House"

Archive for 2007

“The Brady Bunch” House

Sunday, December 16th, 2007

brady2.jpgThe house chosen in the Spring of 1969 to be used for all exterior shots in the hip-yet-square TV series The Brady Bunch still stands unassumingly in Burbank, California deep in the heart of the San Fernando Valley. The widow who owned the house at the time was paid a very modest sum for its usage, and exterior shots from every angle were gathered. These initial shots were recylced for the entire five-year duration of the series. Although the house wasn’t a two-story dwelling that would match the already-designed interior, producers didn’t care because it captured so well the look of the California middle-class that was trying to be conveyed. In order to correct this slight problem, the answer was to simply add a phony window to the upper level. Read the rest of this entry »

Meeting Caroline Kennedy

Saturday, December 15th, 2007

car5.jpgI didn’t expect to have any more celebrity encounters this late in the year, but when Bob sent me an email and the subject was “Caroline Kennedy book signing get your ass there!” – I knew that I better make my best effort to cross paths with her. Caroline is of course the daughter and only remaining living child of President John F. Kennedy. She lived in the White House from just after her third birthday until just after her sixth – when her father was assassinated in Dallas. She herself went on to become a successful attorney and author, and I might I add, quite a natural beauty. Read the rest of this entry »

The Bicentennial Summer of ’76

Friday, December 14th, 2007

7sum11.jpgI don’t have a whole lot of distinct memories of the Summer of ’76. At the age of four, my mind was just beginning to retain some of the events going on around me. I had been granted a little sister in April and was surely enjoying watching her grow and become a bit more sturdy so that I could handle her more frequently. My life on Echo Hill was a happy one – an existence where I could walk across the street and play with my best friend Andrea Ferrenberg, scurry back through the woods behind her house, traipse through our huge outdoor garden, watch my favorite shows like Gilligan’s Island on TV, play records and reel-to-reel tapes at will, and spend time with my Grandparents and extended family. Soon I would be attending pre-school and the unbridled freedom would come to a screeching halt. Read the rest of this entry »

Zachary Taylor and Me

Thursday, December 13th, 2007

zt3.jpgHad he completed his entire term, our nation’s twelfth President Zachary Taylor might have proven to be one of our weakest due to his complete lack of political involvement before running for the highest office in the land. Because of the fame derived from battlefield victories under his leadership in several major wars including the War of 1812, ‘Old Rough and Ready’, as he was known, became the victor in the 1848 Presidential election. Unfortunately, President Taylor died just 16 months into his term under rather mysterious circumstances. The consensus was that he passed away from dysentery, but some claim that he may have been poisoned. Read the rest of this entry »

The Cast of “Leave It To Beaver”

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007

beav4.jpgIn addition to the autograph request I sent to Shirley Temple on February 25, 1986, I also sent letters to three additional celebrities. Clint Eastwood responded by having his secretary sign a couple of photos for me which came back on March 31. I had the wrong address for Art Carney – which I didn’t find out until my Honeymooners photo arrived back at my house nearly ten months later (I thought I had lost it for sure this time). And finally, I sent a request to Mr. Jerry Mathers (as “The Beaver”). Read the rest of this entry »