The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"You can trust me insipidly." - Oliver Hardy, "Our Relations"

Archive for March, 2008

sh21.jpgI had been to Savannah once before – back in 2006 when Ashleigh and I made a pre-convention trip by bus to the historic town. Then we had a guided tour to some of the area’s more historic sites, followed by an independent ‘ghost’ tour. This time I was walking the streets with my cousin Chris who once lived in the heart of the downtown district. He and his wife Sarah had a quaint  garden apartment built in 1855 that they rented on Calhoun square. Read the rest of this entry »

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Easter 2008

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

easter7.jpgThere was a lot of hullaballoo about this Easter being the earliest Easter since 1913 and the last since 2228 – the net of all that being that this was the earliest Easter we would ever see in our lifetimes. But the net of that was that I don’t think any of us were really ready for it yet. The weather was crummy, the frost and rain were still ever-present and none of us were in much of an egg-hiding mood. Actually I was – and was going to do so for Grace – but Jackie and I decided not to spend the day together. As you can see from the photo at left, I was the eggman.

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That Murderin’ Rascal!

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

blake.jpgIt is ironic that one of the worst child actors in the history of motion pictures – one Mickey Gubitosi – would grow up to be one of the most successful actors of all of the Our Gang kids. And notorious as well. My attempts at getting Robert Blake’s autograph through the mail began long before he went to trial for the murder of his wife Bonnie Bakley. I was actually rather surprised to receive my first attempt, which I sent on February 23, 1987, back with a legitimate autograph (seen at right). This came back along with two signed notecards on March 9. Blake had been known to use secretaries in the past – and ones who didn’t even attempt to get his signature right. My friend Bob had one of these added to a photo on which he had already acquired other signatures. Read the rest of this entry »

Ed Asner 2005

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

asner3.jpgEven though Ed Asner is instantly recognizable and needs no introduction, the first thing I thought when I saw him while coming out of the restroom during the intermisson of the October 2, 2005 presentation of the reading of Casablanca was “wow, that guy waiting in line to get in the bathroom kind of looks like Ed Asner.” Then I thought to myself – “hey, are you remembering that you are standing in the heart of Hollywood?” Asner wasn’t in the production, but was merely there to enjoy it – and he had to wait in line to use the restroom like everybody else, including TV writer and frequent Hollywood Square Bruce Vilanch. Read the rest of this entry »