The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Do you enjoy throwing up every five minutes, Claude?" -Aunt Edna, "National Lampoon's Vacation"

Archive for December, 2008

a11.jpgIt wasn’t Christmas. It wasn’t even a reasonable facsimile of Christmas. Traditions had been broken all accross the board. For starters, we held our annual Murphy family gathering two days after Christmas on Saturday, December 27. The reason for this revolved mostly around Mom staying at Denise’s house through Christmas and the day after so she could be with her for a good portion of the holiday. Denise was unable to travel in her pregnant state…doctor’s orders! And for this reason, the Murphy gathering wasn’t held at Mom’s house either, where it had been held for closing in on a decade. Darlene quickly stepped up to the plate and hosted for the first time in about a dozen years.  Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Christmas Day 2008

Sunday, December 28th, 2008

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CHRISTMAS 38 – 2008

Saturday, December 27th, 2008

xm12.jpgThis Christmas celebration marked a distinct departure from events of the past dozen years or so in many ways. I had hosted Christmas Eve (which is the major family Christmas gathering) every since 1995 (with the exception of one year), but this year the honors went to Denise and Aaron. This was mostly because Denise had been ordered by her doctor not to travel since it was so close to time for the new baby to come. And because Mom was going to be staying in Columbus until Friday, this also was a deciding factor that we would not get together with her family on Christmas Day, but two days later on Saturday the 27th. In addition, this was the first year in many that Briana did not attend the celebration. This was because she was in Florida with Billy and Jill for the holiday. And finally, this also represents the only year that someone gave a gift that I had given them back to me…right on the spot! Read the rest of this entry »

The Murphys of Christmas Past, Specifically 1967

Thursday, December 25th, 2008

mur4.jpgThis year in our installment of photos from early Murphy Christmas celebrations, color comes to the Murphy family as we enjoy these photographs from the Christmas of 1967. Some appear to be taken on Christmas morning in the house on Cunnington Lane, while some later in the day for the Murphy family Christmas party. This in fact was not so much a ‘Murphy’ gathering but rather a ‘Murlin’ gathering, since the siblings present were those of my Grandma’s.   Read the rest of this entry »

Christmas Prep 1973

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

73g.jpgOf all the pictures I’ve located of me during my childhood, there are perhaps none so comforting as these – at least to me. It is unlikey that anyone – including my parents – can quite understand what they represent. But for a two-year old, I’m sure there is nothing quite so comforting, nothing so safe, as your own home in the company of your parents. Read the rest of this entry »