The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"...But where would I find such a man? Why am I asking you." - Hedley Lamarr, "Blazing Saddles"

Archive for May, 2009

steve2Steve Johnson must have said “WOW!” ten times after we first spotted each other at the Pub at the Greene on Thursday, May 21, 2009. I wasn’t sure if it was because I had changed so much after eighteen years or because I hadn’t changed at all. Steve claimed it was the latter, but I’m not sure if I believe him. I think the last time we probably saw each other was when we were both Freshmen at Wright State University just beginning to get our feet wet with college. Read the rest of this entry »

When In Rome…

Saturday, May 30th, 2009

ar19Sunday, May 10, 2009 was Mother’s Day and my cousin Chris and I celebrated the holiday by taking the Mother of all walking tours through one of the most famous cities in the world: Roma. For those not in the know, that is the correct name of the city that we Westerners refer to as Rome. After you read this account of this exhausting day, you will understand why I ended it with blisters on my feet – and enough material to create the longest Catsafterme posting ever. Read the rest of this entry »

Good Talk, Russ

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

rustyOne of the most blatant running gags throughout the National Lampoon’s Vacation series of films is the obvious fact that the Griswold children are played by different actors in every entry of the series, while the parents remain consistently Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo. This was not the original intention as Anthony Michael Hall was offered the role of Rusty for the second entry in the series European Vacation, but he declined for his role in Weird Science. Read the rest of this entry »

The Mayan Ruins of Tikal

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

tik18For the most part, everything that I was experiencing during my Guatemala trip was a complete surprise as I had gone into the trip without any research or preconceived notions about what I would be seeing. The Mayan ruins of Tikal, however, were a bit of an exception as this was a landmark I had actually heard of and took the liberty of seeking out some info about before I left for the trip. Of all of the locations in Guatemala, this was  probably the most famous and the one that I was most looking forward to. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: The Other Ashleigh

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

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