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Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Yum Yum, eat 'em up!" - Bumbo, "The Kid From Borneo"

Archive for July, 2009

Honey Bunny

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

hb3I consider Pulp Fiction to be one of the true classics of modern cinema – so although I haven’t seen many films starring Amanda Plummer (daughter of Christopher Plummer), the fact that she starred in this one as Yolanda (aka Honey Bunny) was quite enough. If you are familiar with the film, you may recall the prologue in which a couple are poised to rob a diner and then returns in the epilogue to show how the robbery went. In essence, this extended scene is the glue which holds the film together as Amanda Plummer and Tim Roth both discuss and then act out the robbery. Read the rest of this entry »

The Ray Bradbury Chronicles

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

rayb3After having failed twice to meet acclaimed science fiction writer Ray Bradbury in 2007 (first in February, then in July), I finally got an opportunity that panned out during my most recent California visit on Saturday, July 11, 2009. The Fremont Center Theatre in Pasadena was once again hosting the premier of Ray Bradbury’s latest play entitled Yestermorrows. The show was in fact a compilation of three shorter plays that Bradbury had produced in the past. My friend Bob knew that Bradbury generally always attended his shows during opening night. Read the rest of this entry »

Geoffrey Lewis

Sunday, July 26th, 2009

gl1Geoffrey Lewis has one of those faces that almost everyone will recognize – especially if you happen to be a fan of Clint Eastwood. Lewis has starred in no less than a half-dozen of Clint’s films, playing a variety of roles including his mortal enemy in High Plains Drifter and his goofy sidekick in Every Which Way But Loose and Any Which Way But Loose. You might also find him in films such as Fletch Lives, Tango and Cash, Maverick, The Man Without a Face, and The Devil’s Rejects. And this doesn’t even touch on the numerous sitcoms, westerns, and dramatic TV shows on which he’s starred. In all, he’s played over 200 different roles over the past 40 years. Read the rest of this entry »

Hollywood Forever

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

df21I may have a hard time convincing you otherwise, but contrary to popular belief I am not a cemetery lurking kind of guy. That was just a rumor started by all of the photos on this website of me with various graves across the country. But honestly, I get no morbid fascination about cemeteries, no yearning to see the grave of just anyone remotely famous, and have no interest in talking to most of the dead people lying under the sod. So why do you frequently find pictures of me with stone slabs engraved with the names of the famous? Read the rest of this entry »

quinnQuinn Cummings was the adorable little girl who played daughter Lucy to Marsha Mason in The Goodbye Girl. For her incredible performance at the age of ten, she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She later went on to star in the TV series Family. More recently she has carved out a successful career for herself as an inventor (all you mothers out there can thank her for the HipHugger) and now as a professional author. During my visit to Los Angeles on Saturday, July 11, 2009, I was pleased to learn that Quinn would be doing a book signing at Vroman’s Books for her new book Notes From the Underwire, a wonderful memoir of observationist tales about a variety of silly things that she has encountered  (and done) during her everyday life.  Read the rest of this entry »