The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hey dude, do you wanna go on a date for a beer with a dork? Well, I've got one right here - it's me!" - Briana Pond

Archive for September, 2009

Disney’s California Adventure ’09

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

as18I would not have thought that it was possible to enjoy spending an entire day at Disney’s California Adventure park…but I was wrong. Typically when I visit California, my friends and I spend just a brief time at this park, hitting a few highlights and then quickly move on over to Disneyland around lunch time. And so it has been with my last three visits. However, whereas those three visits have been during the off-season when my pal David can get us free admission to both parks, but his one was smack in the middle of the Summer – Thursday, July 16, 2009, to be exact. Read the rest of this entry »

Bryan and Erine’s Wedding

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

ae4After many years of preliminary dating, my step-brother Bryan finally took it upon himself to get hitched to the very nice and lovely Erine Jennings. The wedding took place at Carillon Park on Saturday, September 12, 2009. This was my second wedding of the year and it too was an outdoor affair. And it too was remarkably brief. There was a bit of music, the procession of the bridesmaids, groomsman, and the bride, a short reading, some incessant car alarm going off, the vows, and that was that. Twenty minutes later Bryan and Erine were hitched. Read the rest of this entry »

af7Unlike the Labor Days of 2007 and 2008, this one brought very little pain, aside from a slightly aching shoulder. Also unlike most prior family gatherings, this one didn’t actually take place on the holiday itself, but rather two days earlier, on Saturday, September 5, 2009. It was all part of a conspiracy…er, rather an extravaganza that also included a boy/girl baby shower for Chris and Sarah and the baby Olivia, who is due at the end of October. So at 3pm, a group of family members descended on Karen and Joe’s Coke Avenue home to commence with the merrymaking.   Read the rest of this entry »

The First Buffy. And of Course Laura.

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

buffy3Ahem. Once you’ve unpeeled your eyes from the alluring photo of Kristy Swanson at right, we can move on here. Okay. So yeah, Kristy is hot and has posed in Playboy, yada yada yada – but her biggest claim to fame was that she portrayed teenage monster killer Buffy Summers in the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie that started it all – and although I own the DVD, I have been in no rush to actually watch it as I know it will not compare to the TV series that later followed. But in my warped world of TV bliss, that’s not all she has done… Read the rest of this entry »

Uncle Duane

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

duane2On August 29, 2009, my Great-Uncle Duane Murphy passed away at the age of 90. Duane, whose official given name was Harry after his father, was 90 years old and living at the Englewood Manor nursing home, in the early stages of Alzheimier’s Disease. Duane (standing on the right in the photo at left with my Grandpa and their Mom Edith) was my Grandpa Murphy’s brother and he is fondly remembered by his family for his dry wit and his sarcastic sense of humor, which apparently trickled down to some of his extended family over the years. Read the rest of this entry »