The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hey dude, do you wanna go on a date for a beer with a dork? Well, I've got one right here - it's me!" - Briana Pond

Archive for November, 2009

Nearly Killed By Jason

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

kane3Okay, this was admittedly my own doing, but Jason almost killed me. I like a good slasher film as much as the next guy and the Friday the 13th franchise is no exception – so I was rather intrigued at the opportunity to meet the guy who played the hockey mask toting psycho killer the most times when he made an appearance at the Chiller Theatre Show in Parsippany, New Jersey, on April 18, 2009. Kane Hodder starred as Jason in four of the Friday the 13th films (parts XII – X) from 1988 – 2002. Read the rest of this entry »

Bo Hopkins: Four Photos With a Pharaoh

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

bo6With his pleasing South Carolina twang, Bo Hopkins almost made the character of the Pharaohs’ gang leader Joe Young a likable sort-of guy. Throughout the classic film American Graffiti, he acts as a menace to poor Curt Henderson, played by Richard Dreyfuss – first just picking on him, then trying to initiate him into the gang. Although this is the most notable of Hopkins’ many roles to me, he had quite a few other memorable parts in other films. Read the rest of this entry »