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"Don't touch me, I'm sterile." - Ed Norton, "The Honeymooners"

Archive for March, 2010

Shelley Hack: Charlie’s Fifth Angel

Saturday, March 13th, 2010

I was never a huge fan of Charlie’s Angels, although I enjoyed the occasional episode of Jiggle TV when I was a boy. Shelley Hack was the fifth female to portray one of Charlie’s Angels. Playing the part of Boston native Tiffany Wells, she replaced Kate Jackson upon her departure from the series in 1979. Hack only assumed the role for one season before she was replaced by Tanya Roberts in 1980. Coincidentally enough, I met both Tanya Roberts and Shelly Hack on the very same day, July 18, 2009, at the Burbank Hollywood Collectors Show. Read the rest of this entry »

If memory serves me correctly, we had a most excellent New Years Eve bash leading into 1978. We gathered all of Mom’s family at Grandma and Grandpa’s house on Kruss, immersed ourselves in good food and drink, passed out party favors, watched the grown-ups get sloshed, and rang in the New Year. There is only piece of memory linking this fabulous party with this particular year and that is the memory of the sisters obsession with the song You Light Up My Life, which just a couple of months prior had topped the Billboard charts. The memory of this party is great one and I’m sure I’ve never topped this one with any New Years Eve for sheer enjoyment. Read the rest of this entry »

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Louise and Carroll’s House 1981

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

I have only the most fleeting memory that we went on vacations back-to-back during August of 1981, so fleeting in fact that it would never hold up in court. However, I have one clue that our trip to visit my Mom’s Aunt Louise and Uncle Carroll immediately followed our trip to Detroit for the Classic Chevy Convention. This piece of evidence is a calendar from 1981, with the dates August 2 – August 8 marked as vacation. This was the Chevy Convention week. But the following week, August 9-15, indicates absolutely nothing at all. Every other week of the Summer has other appointments, sporting events, and reminders – but this one has nothing at all. So I’m pegging this trip as August 9-15…give or take a day on either end. Read the rest of this entry »

Consensus from friends and family is pretty much becoming unanimous: February is the lamest month of the year. Although I did enjoy a nice California vacation in 2007 during February, both 2008 and 2009 – and now this year – have contributed to giving the month this unique distinction. So why is it so lame you ask? Well, for starters the weather in Ohio is the biggest contributor. We see our biggest snowfalls, do the most shoveling, and traditionally develop the greatest number of sicknesses. Read the rest of this entry »