The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I don't wanna be President. I wanna be a streetcar conductor" - Breezy Bisbane, "Readin' and Writin'"

Archive for July, 2010

Protected: Destin and Seaside

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

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Protected: Jimmy and Ellen’s Wedding

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

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The Ankeney Chargers – Part One

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

School days nostalgia is fun to recall. Spending 13 years in the public schools is bound to yield a great number of memories spanning from early childhood to the onslaught of adulthood. I hold all of the memories from these years in very high regard, but it seems that the older the memory, the fonder it is. My Ankeney years came at the beginning of the latter half of my school years – from the Fall of 1984 to the Spring of 1987. It was a new era of leaving behind the safety of Fairbrook Elementary where I was an upper-classman, and become a lowly pre-pubescent, chubby, gawky, early teenaged seventh grader. But, boy, these were fond memories too. Read the rest of this entry »

I was up early the morning of Friday, June 18, 2010 – with enough time to play around on the computer and make it to breakfast in the hotel lobby in the Cyprus Grille Restaurant with Bob, David, and the Wileys for a delightful breakfast buffet. The waitress was a little dimwitted and while Bob was away in the restroom, she asked us if he had enjoyed his meal. I told her that she’d have to ask him when he was done throwing up. Then David, the Jimmys, and I took a walk to the California State Capitol. It was about 10am when we arrived

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Mike Teevee

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Which do you remember him best for? The single episode of Star Trek: Voyager in 2000, or his role as Mike Teevee in the mega-cult classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? If you’re like me, once you’ve seen Willy Wonka, you’ll never forget it. Even if Paris Themmen, the actor portraying young, obnoxious, TV-loving Mike Teevee, has become largely forgotten. Perhaps his endearing lisp didn’t translate all that well once he grew older than eleven. So he ventured into computer retail, film production, and even worked for a while as a Disney Imagineer. No matter what he’s done, when I met him at the Hollywood Show on Saturday, April 24, 2010, he was a pretty nice guy. Read the rest of this entry »