The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I was thinkin' of growing a moustache, but they don't let you wear 'em at Annapolis." - Eddie Haskell, "Leave It to Beaver"

Archive for 2012

gh15I have loved the movie Groundhog Day since I first saw it after its release in 1993, at which time it got lukewarm to generally positive reviews. But since then, the film has begun to find favor even more and more among fans and critics and has been elevated to the status of an all-time classic, even being selected for Preservation by the National Film Preservation Board. I don’t think I really need to sell anyone on the film; it’s one of my all-time favorites and that’s good enough. But it’s because I love it so much that I was hellbent on making a detour to scout the filming locations of the film during my weekend excursion with Dean to Chicago. Read the rest of this entry »

Sgt. Slaughter

Friday, December 14th, 2012

ss1It was clear that Robert Remus, better known as Hall of Fame wrestler Sgt. Slaughter, could go either way as being a good guy or a bad guy in professional wrestling. On one hand, he could be the overbearing, militant bully who feuded with the likes of fan favorites Bob Backlund or Pat Patterson. On the other, he could represent America’s toughness as he feuded with The Iron Sheik. And if we had a third hand, we could talk about how he turned heel again when he aligned himself with Iraq and began wearing a turban into the ring. This actually prompted death threats from over-zealous fans. Read the rest of this entry »

Don’t Call Him Biff

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

Tom Wilson, formerly known as Thomas F. Wilson, has made no secret of his irritation with fans who only know him as Biff or Griff or Mad Dog Tannen from the Back to the Future trilogy. He has refused multiple offers to appear at reunions, reality shows, and autograph signing events that would allow him to easily capitalize on this role. He’s even made public statements that he no longer signs autographs and his stand-up comedy act conveys a humorous disdain for geeky fans who ask him to pose for pictures, repeat lines from the movie, or to sign autographs. So I had very little hope of ever getting to meet this fine actor, and knew that if I did, there was no way I wanted to get on his bad side. Read the rest of this entry »

Re-Re-Animated (From Beyond)

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

Re-Animator is one of the most enjoyable disgusting movies ever made. Where else can you expect to find a body carrying around it’s own severed head, forcing its/his affections on a naked girl strapped to a table? Probably nowhere. When I first met Bruce Abbott, the actor playing the most normal person in the film, I lamented to myself how much I’d love to meet the actor playing Herbert West, perhaps one of the strangest characters ever committed to any film. That day would eventually come over three years later on August 12, 2012. Read the rest of this entry »

Thanksgiving 2012

Monday, December 10th, 2012

Thanksgiving snuck up once again in 2012, falling on Thursday, November 22, this time around. I was somewhat ready for it I suppose, feeling good about what I had accomplished this year and ready to begin the big final-month wind-down. Naturally I was off this day, so I spent a somewhat lazy morning watching some TV. Leslie stopped by for a bit to bring some muffins and watch a couple episodes of Police Squad. Then I tuned into Cheers and took a brief nap. Read the rest of this entry »