The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Now I forgot the safe words again. SAY 'EM!" - Carol, "Saturday Night Live"

Archive for March, 2013


The teen skin flick Porky’s is a childhood favorite. You may have a problem with that statement but it’s the truth, plain and simple. Now my parents were not in the habit of watching such Rated R movies, but my Grandpa Murphy was in the habit of video recording them (among many other movies of course) off of HBO and Cinemax. This was one of the favorites that I’d pop into their VCR during sick days spent at their house when my Grandma would leave to go walking or to a doctor appointment or something. Read the rest of this entry »

Amber Smith

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

amber3I have two confessions to make. The first is that for the longest time I only knew Amber Smith from her Playboy pictorial from the March 1995 issue of the magazine. In the 1990s, her appearance alone would have been enough for me to be interested in an autograph/encounter with her. But the second confession is that I’ve matured and no longer seek out celebrity encounters with Playmates based on the strength of them being featured in the magazine. Therefore I had passed up meeting Amber Smith on a couple of occasions when she made personal appearances in the past. Read the rest of this entry »

Berlin – Part 2

Monday, March 18th, 2013

fa39It was a rainy day in Berlin, Germany on Thursday, October 4, 2013, and we were there to enjoy it to the fullest. Mom & Bob, Diana & Tom, Bryan & Erine, and I continued our trek-on-foot through the historic industrial city. As it was now 1pm and we had finished up at Potsdamer Platz without finding anything to eat, the first order of the afternoon was to nourish ourselves. It didn’t take us long at all to find a perfectly acceptable cafe with the unlikely name of Eleven. Diana & Tom treated us to lunch and I had the tasty Spaghetti Carbonara. There was also a bit of drama going on as one of the customers wiped dog poop from their shoes to the entrance mat and was called out on it in German. Eeps! Read the rest of this entry »

The Terminatrix

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

tx3I think that I learned that I must not be 5 foot 11 inches tall when I met Kristanna Loken. Because that’s how tall she is, and she was taller than me. I remembered that she was taller, because you don’t soon forget standing next to a gorgeous blonde girl whom you’ve witnessed as a cold-blooded liquid-metal killer. And in the case of Kristanna Loken, you don’t soon forget her regardless of the whole killer thing. Read the rest of this entry »

Goodbye New York, Hello Maple Syrup

Friday, March 15th, 2013

bw18When I think of the stereotypical image of New England – the fall leaves, the bright green grass, the serene neighborhoods, the flowing maple syrup – I think of the upper three states: Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. I had never been to any of these so I was quite anxious to get into them. On the other hand, the stereotype of New York is the hustle and bustle of Times Square, which the northern part of New York is really nothing like. On Thursday, July 12, 2012, I got to travel from one area to the other and experience the seamless transition between the states. Of course, this was no simple afternoon drive; it was all part of the quest that my friend Bob and I were on as we wove our way through the New England area. Read the rest of this entry »