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Brad's Musings and Meanderings

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"I also need some money for a treat, said the blonde." - Christi Adkins

Archive for May, 2013

Vermont and New Hampshire

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

ba7I had stayed up later than Bob the night before watching the TV pilot episode of Newhart on my laptop after Bob had already fallen asleep. The reason why is that I was sleeping inside the Waybury Inn, in East Middlebury, Vermont – which was used as the establishing shot of the Stratford Inn on one of my all-time favorite sitcoms Newhart. Mind you they never actually filmed anything here other than shots of the inn. Bob Newhart had never even been at the inn. But in watching the show, you see it two or three times per episode, so it had become ingrained in my mind, so since the beginning of this trip’s inception, staying here was a must. Read the rest of this entry »