The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Snots, you roll over and let Uncle Clark scratch your belly." - Eddie, "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"

Archive for September, 2013

ben1Sometimes celebrity encounters can lead to one or more of those fun ‘a-ha’ moments when you realize things about them that you never did. Sometimes it comes during the encounter through chatting, or seeing a photo on their table of them in a film or TV show that you never knew that they did, but often it comes into research that follows the encounter. Either way, the Montgomery siblings were full of them. Most notably, I had them on my list to pick up signed photos of them at the Hollywood Show on August 4, 2012 – but I had no idea that they were even siblings. Read the rest of this entry »

The Hungry and The Dead in New York

Friday, September 20th, 2013

gc14Bob and I had one more piece of business to attend to before leaving New Jersey and heading back into the state of New York, where, with one brief international exception, we’d be spending the rest of trip before driving back to my house. Naturally, that one piece of business on the morning of Saturday, June 1, 2013, was breakfast. We left our Howard Johnson hotel in Newark and headed to Jersey City for dining at the Brownstone Diner. Read the rest of this entry »

Hi Neighbor!

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

jer7It is one thing to simply meet celebrities. That is an occurence at which I’ve become more than adept. Seldom does my voice quiver with nervousness when I encounter one. On the other hand, meeting them rarely brings a lump to my throat or a swelling of my heart – because it is often nothing more than a fleeting, cold encounter. But it is another thing to call one of your favorite performers a long-time friend. This is the case with my pal Jerry Tucker Schatz. Every since I first met the former child actor who had starred in 18 entries in the Our Gang/Little Rascals series, he has enchanted me with his stories, his humility, and above all his kindness. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: West Virginia → Myrtle Beach 2013

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

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The Raging Bull

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

lamottaSometimes life can be just simply amazing. It was on February 14, 2012, that I was watching the film Raging Bull for about the third or fourth time, when I realized just how incredible it was. Yes, it was a pathetic Valentine’s Day…but it was an incredible film. This led me to do some research (okay, let’s be honest: I opened up Wikipedia) on Jake LaMotta, the subject of the film. I was quite amazed to see that this former World Middleweight Champion, who had been portrayed by my favorite actor Robert DeNiro as a self-destructive, violent man, who was his own worst enemy, was still alive! He was 90 years old at the time, but he was still alive. Read the rest of this entry »