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Archive for 2013

Broadway and Presidential

Thursday, December 26th, 2013

n7I had never been able quite understand how Bob could sit through so many Broadway shows in New York City, and had considered skipping out on a one or two of the four that he was seeing. But in the end, I attended all of them with no regrets whatsoever. Wednesdays are the standard day that there are matinee performances as well, so on this Wednesday, May 29, 2013, we saw two shows, both of which were outstanding. But even with two shows on our docket, that didn’t stop us from getting a few other important sites under our belt that day. Read the rest of this entry »

As Close as I Got to Forrest Gump

Monday, December 23rd, 2013

forrestBack in the day (and I’m not exactly sure when that ‘day’ was), this would have been a success story – one that I would have been thrilled to report. However, over the years things change – and what I once would have been ecstatic to report is now only arouses the basest of emotions. This could simply be because I’ve become spoiled over the past ten years, getting more one-on-ones with celebrities than the average person will ever dream of encountering across the span of ten lifetimes. But the fact is that seeing a celebrity in the flesh doesn’t thrill me in the slightest. Merely getting an autograph doesn’t thrill me in the least (see here). Getting a photo with a celebrity that they didn’t take the time to pose for is beyond lame to me (see here). And all of this is true of my encounter with one of the most popular actors working today: Tom Hanks. Read the rest of this entry »

rr6 Read the rest of this entry »

Obscure Actors with One Obscure Thing in Common

Saturday, December 21st, 2013

jlc2I’ve mentioned in the past how oftentimes it is more fun and meaningful to me to be able to meet ‘obscure’ actors who had some memorable role in some memorable film, but the average Joe wouldn’t recognize them if they were standing in line in front of them at McDonald’s…or even if they were serving them. In this particular case, the one thing these two gentlemen had in common was that they both worked in Jamie Lee Curtis horror films that weren’t Halloween. And that’s precisely why they were invited to attend the HorrorHound Weekend Halloween reunion in Indianapolis on November 17, 2012. Read the rest of this entry »

Theodore Roosevelt and Me

Friday, December 20th, 2013

trxIf Vice President Garret Hobart hadn’t died in office, we might have ended up with a very different country than we did. And Mount Rushmore would have looked wildly different. President William McKinley was forced to choose another running mate for his ticket in the 1901 election. After President McKinley took an assassin’s bullet six months into his second term, his Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, a former Governor of New York (and incidentally the uncle of future First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt) assumed the presidency. Read the rest of this entry »