The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Mom said I had sedunctive hearing. Can you die from that?" - Briana Pond

Archive for August, 2014

Greasers 2

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

gr9Trust me, I have plenty of guilty pleasures in my life – but possibly the guilitiest of all is the fact that I love the movie Grease 2, the 1982 follow-up to the smash hit Grease. The fact that virtually none of main cast returned didn’t seem to bother the filmmakers, who did manage to scrape together a half-dozen of the original supporting cast, most notably Eve Arden, Sid Caesar, Eddie Deezen, and Didi Conn. The main cast were mostly newcomers, and remarkably, despite the universal panning the film got, many went on to bigger stardom in other works. One – Michelle Pfeiffer – achieved a pretty high level of superstardom even. Read the rest of this entry »