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Archive for June, 2016

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Beaver’s Violet… and More

Tuesday, June 14th, 2016

vc7Although I had met Angela Cartwright on several occasions, I had had her sister Veronica on my radar to meet for quite some time. In fact I had nearly traveled all the way to the Memphis Film Festival just on the prospect of meeting her. My friend Bob had already gotten one autograph of her for me, but that still did not satisfy my yen to have a personal encounter with Veronica Cartwright. Whey the big interest, you ask? You might say she had a triple dose of coolness leading back to her… Read the rest of this entry »

dl31As we made it near the end of the first third of 2016 (which in itself, was hard to believe), there were some happy moments and some sad, painful, and irritating moments. Out of those irritating moments spring my desire to take a break and get away for a while. Not as if going to California was anything out of the norm, but I barreled forward with planning this trip even though Carolyn couldn’t take off work for it. Frankly I had teetered with going, mostly due to high air travel costs and a relatively unimpressive Hollywood Show. But in the end, I found a pretty reasonably priced ticket that left out of Indianapolis, which was a first for me. Read the rest of this entry »