The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

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"Now I forgot the safe words again. SAY 'EM!" - Carol, "Saturday Night Live"

Archive for 2017

Protected: Slowvember 2016

Friday, June 30th, 2017

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In one regard it seemed like a pretty odd idea to have a reunion of actors from this obscure entry in the Halloween series at the HorrorHound Weekend on September 11, 2016. But then again, I ended up being glad that they chose go with these players from the sixth entry, The Curse of Michael Myers. Even though it’s just the type of movie that I can’t honestly remember whether I’ve ever seen it or not, the cast was made up of a pretty diverse group of performers who, if I didn’t want them necessarily for their participation in this, had done some other interesting things. And they all ended up being such lovely people that I’ve now actually anxious to visit – or re-visit, whichever the case may be – this film.  Read the rest of this entry »

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There’s a period of my life that rarely comes up any more. I’ve been a music lover, no, music adorer since I was a young kid, spinning record after record on my old portable record player. As a youth I’ve gone through phases of liking all kids of music – from Sesame Street tunes to Barry Manilow to KISS to the Beatles and on and on. These days my music palette is tremendously huge, and I’ve even let in certain rap and country artists (just CERTAIN ones), and my enjoyment of music has never been greater or broader. But there was a period – let’s just call it 1987 – when the only thing on my mind was heavy metal. Read the rest of this entry »

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