The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you'll be free if you truly wish to be." - Willy Wonka, "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"

vprice2.jpgHere’s another autograph that I received through the mail in the Summer of 1985, proving yet again that really famous people can sign autographs for fans – for free. I’m not sure why I chose Vincent Price to send a request to, but I would again guess that I saw that Carl had received a response to his request. I only knew Mr. Price as the star of the 3-D opus House of Wax (although I probably hadn’t seen it yet at this point), the crazy guy from “The Brady Bunch” Hawaiian episode, and the voice from Michael Jackson’s Thriller song. I sent the request on July 22 and received an almost immediate response, adding the photo below and two signed notecards to my collection on July 29. This hobby sure was getting cool!


Later on I would see Vincent Price in person when he came to do a lecture at Wright State University on Saturday, September 27, 1986 (see brochure at top right), but unfortunately I didn’t get the chance to actually meet him. All I remember about this evening was that it was thrilling to see him, but the air conditioning system was grinding so loudly that we scarcely heard a word that he said. It was most memorable, though, as it was the first outing that I had with my great new friend George Willeman, who had offered me the ticket and took me to the event.

More autographs from 1985 at a later date…

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