The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I see salt and I see pepper, but I don't see a salt substitute." - Bob Wiley, "What About Bob?"

easter18.jpgEaster Sunday fell on April 8th this year – Denise’s birthday. It was the first time since 1928 that this would happen. Remarkably, it will happen again in 2012 – five years from now – but then will never happen again in Denise’s lifetime. So glad I had the chance to share that with y’all. The other strange thing about this Easter was that it was freezing cold outside – literally. There were snow flurries coming down as Ashleigh and I headed out to Darlene and Bob’s in Miamisburg for this year’s gathering. It was just earlier this week that I was taking walks around our neighborhood in shorts and a t-shirt. Only in Ohio could we go from 80 to 18 in less than a week!

I spent the morning watching the second half of Gone with the Wind and recovering from the previous night’s events with Jon and Jennifer (and nearly polishing off the leftover pizza and cheese and crackers). Ash and I arrived at Darlene’s around 1:00 pm. It wasn’t long before we were digging into the ham, macaroni and cheese, seafood salad, homemade strawberry shortcake, Doritos, corn flake cookies, hard boiled eggs, pineapple pudding cake, more Doritos, and Coca-Cola. Gosh, I’m hungry now.


Susan and Chris. Chris looks especially festive.


Debby and Darlene have Easter egg fever


Baby Tori digs into the birthday cake


Ashleigh explains to Abby how phones work


These skills later come in handy


My new Myspace friend Brittney and me

Our family seems to be getting so large that its difficult to get around and mingle with everybody. I usually end up spending a lot of time with Chris trying to catch up. I miss hanging out with him when he lived locally. Of course, Adam was there – so I had to spend ample time with him and living out my life’s mission of making him giggle. As I mentioned, it was Denise’s 31st birthday so we had a cake for her (seen at top – crafted by Mom – possibly drunk) with one candle. I got her some DVD’s: the last I Love Lucy set and The Rescuers.


An interesting take on extinguishing the candle


Adam says: “They get ham and cake. I get this.”


Sarah, Mom, and Joe share a couch for the first time


Ed is relegated to the floor as Diana comfortably sips her wine


Rest time for Bob. “I can lay down anytime, any place.”


A one-bottle salute to the holiday that is Easter

Easter egg hunts used to very prominent in our family, but lately they have diminished to a disorganized ritual for only the little kids. I think they had a small one this year, with Brittney and the gang hiding them for the tots, but I didn’t even catch it. Ashleigh had to get home by 5:00 so she could go into work, so I made a quick effort to get around the house and say hello to the downstairs-dwellers and snapped a few photos of them, too.


Mike and Debby, but not in that order


Bob pauses from storytime to pose


The ever-glowing Cathy


Eric shows how real Murphys recline

As I get older, I cherish these family gatherings more and more. Easter is especially refreshing since it seems that we go for several months after the Christmas and New Years holiday before formally gathering again.


Continue with 2007…

4 Responses to “Easter 2007 – and Denise’s Birthday”

  1. Okay I must comment. Was Chris unprepared for the picture to be taken, or just being silly Chris? It is such a nice picture of Susan and it would have been nice to view and retake this picture so Chris could be smiling too. Also, what is with Sarah and Joe not smiling and Barb is smiling and posing? Debby and Darlene look beautiful while enjoying their eggs. Abby has become a pro on the phone and when she gets the chance, I’m sure she will do Ashleigh proud. The picture of Brittney and Brad shows me that the gap of the generation is getting smaller and smaller. Brittney, being the oldest of the second grouping of cousins, is proof to us all how that group has been growing up too fast. Mike & Debby make such a cute couple. I missed seeing little Brad, I hope he was able to have a Happy Easter even with the Chicken Pox. I agree with you that Cathy was glowing. Her peace and calmness reflects to us all. It was really nice that Bob Robinson was able to spend the holiday with us all and was willing to give up working to be with his family. Bob always makes sure everyone is doing good and has whatever they need. Thanks so much Bob & Darlene.

    Bev Tangeman

  2. OK-OK I wasn’t really drunk when I made the cake. I was just having a bit of trouble with the purple icing – it was everywhere. But, it was the thought that counts, right??
    At least the cake really tasted yummy and hopefully Denise had a wonderful birthday. And little Adam looked quite the young man with his jeans and long sleeve button down shirt. I, for one, had a wonderful Easter from going to church with Dad to spending the entire day with all my family.


  3. I was trying out my new serious businessman look. The tie shows that I mean business, but the hair lets you know that I still like to party. Plus, I had diarrhea.

    Chris Tangeman

  4. Hey!?

    What happened to the photo-shopped-in flame on Denise’s candle? Now it just looks silly!


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