The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Bye-bye, baby face!" - Lily, "Our Relations"

lev.jpgMy last trip to California in 2005 yielded one major disappointment as I was not able to meet Dennis DeYoung following his concert in Vegas. The big disappointment on this trip was Friday night, February 16, 2007 after the Courts show. Bob had gotten himself, David, and me tickets to see one of Ray Bradbury’s live plays Leviathan ’99 – an outer space version of Moby Dick at the Fremont Centre Theatre in South Pasadena. As exciting as it sounds, it simply wasn’t. The biggest letdown, however, was that Ray Bradbury himself was not in attendance. This theater was as small as they come, seating maybe fifty – and it was only about half full. Many – if not most – times, Ray Bradbury will be present at the performances and then have a rather intimate talk with the small crowd after the show.

So Bob commented: “the kiss of death” continues, when he found out Bradbury would not be there. David sat between Bob and me and intently watched the play. At any given time Bob or I or both Bob and I would be sleeping. And if I wasn’t sleeping then I was laughing at Bob sleeping. This would have been a bit more acceptable if we weren’t in the front row. Only David did his best to behave in a civilized fashion.


But what could you expect from us? We had just had a lovely filling dinner at the famous Tam O’Shanter steakhouse an hour or so before, so naturally this wearied our sleepy eyes. I had a great Toad in a Hole dinner. Bob ordered prime rib. After he did, he got up to go to the restroom and I grabbed our insanely hot waitress (dressed to the nines in Scottish attire) and convinced her that when she brought the meal she should tell Bob that they were out of prime rib. She was hesitant, but remarkably my charm must have worked.


“You’re out of prime rib?” – “You’re out of prime rib?” Bob replied, face pasty white, eyes fluttering, veins starting to pop out all over his temple. He had had his mouth all upset for prime rib, so this was nothing to joke about. It only took ten seconds before he realized that we had pulled a fast one, but Dave and I each received, along with the dagger-stare, a memory and highly quotable line to enjoy for the future.


I didn’t take any pictures at the Tam O’Shanter or Leviathan ’99 – but I did snap a couple at Baskin Robbins after the show. I didn’t actually eat anything here, as I was feeling a bit guilty about all of the food I had already shoveled in this week.


“You’re out of prime rib? Five o’clock and you’re out of prime rib?”

Up next: horses

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