The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Norman, pretend you're a man." - Jack Wolf, "It's Your Move"

slide.jpgTwo more great slides from my nostalgic archives. The first one in line is my Grandma Range doing what she did best…cooking up some wonderful family treats. Below is another shot of the umbrella table from the Miles Motel in Augusta (according to my Dad – see below comments) first seen in this posting. This time it’s only my Uncle Bill and Aunt Dottie lingering around.



More nostalgic slides at a later date…

5 Responses to “Baking Day and the Umbrella Table Returns”

  1. We stayed at the Heart of Augusta the first night and after the “Folly at Folly Beach”, we came back to Augusta and stayed at the Miles Motel. 


  2. I stand corrected. Here’s the Heart of Augusta.


  3. The slide was taken at the Miles Motel.


  4. I gotcha. Here’s another version of that postcard. But in this one, Bill and Dottie are in the pool!


  5. Your Grandpa’s Dodge appears at the left edge of the Heart of Augusta slide.


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